Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I'm Working on my Pumpkin Carving Skills!

Every Great Halloween Party 
should have LOTS of Scary Pumpkins!


I had to get one of the Kits to help me reach the first pumpkin.

Who knew they grew so high up in trees?!!

Uh...a little help here??

Where did those rotten kits go??!!

Oh! There they are, working on their own pumpkin!

Chips off the ole block!!

Back to Work!

Almost done....

Ta Da!!

 Scary, right?!!

Let's see how the Kits are doing

oh, no! no! no!

That doesn't look right at all!

Stupid Kits!


  1. Replies
    1. Yours, I mean. The kits' pumpkin isn't at all! x3

  2. Sir, I think you should leave them to make their own pumpkins for the party... Not like they're -huh- heh better than you! No one is -gulp- better than you sir!

    Ahaha... Hahha..

    -hands grub icecream with candy corn and pumpkin spice latte with a grub on the side for extra measure-

    1. *raises left eyebrow--pops grub into mouth**moves paw from eyest to Avvy and back for the sign of "im watching you"**

  3. Sir I have found merecats are one of the top 20 cutest animals

    1. top 20????? Who are the other 19? They must be annihilated! Nutello! Put them on the #2 list!!


Be careful how you comment.........You want to Remain on my Good Side, I promise you! And be sure to throw a Grub in the Bowl there when you leave your comment!