Wednesday, March 4, 2015

And Holding............

Great Game of Whack - A - Minion!!

Image result for mummy wolf   Image result for mummy dragonImage result for funny animal mummies

Lucky for you PlayDo is good at Bandages!!

I think our Hostage is taking a little longer than Anticipated.

So while we wait......

How about a quick game of Hot Potato?
Image result for hot potato bomb


  1. Oh no... Not... More... *Falls on knees*

  2. ERR how about I go find the hostage and not play pass the bomb- er I mean hot potato

  3. Actually...maybe I'll skip this round of "Hot Potato"
    I have some....err....dragon-y things to do

  4. Find the Hostage??? You think he's lost?

    Well of course he's lost!! Why else would he be taking this long!!


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